About Us
Highrise Inc. is a design and construction firm specialized in custom homes, commercial buildings and residential additions.
The Highrise principals have been in the construction business in California since 1985.
Highrise Inc. is a design and construction firm specialized in custom homes, commercial buildings and residential additions. The Highrise principals have been in the construction business in California since 1985 and have successfully completed numerous projects of various sizes and value.
We provide services in construction design and planning, contracting and building, as well as services in cost estimating and construction management. We can assist with architectural designs and preparation of necessary construction documents and specification to obtain building permits.

Our philosophy is to provide top quality product within the constraints of time and budget. Therefore, our design and construction activities are judiciously scheduled and planned.
We understand and emphasize the importance of team work in building projects. The contribution and involvement of the owner, the architect, the engineer and the contractor is highly valued in the achievement of successful building projects and our team efforts can be counted upon. Our staff have active participation in the day-to-day affairs of each projects in order to achieve a tight costing and job coordination which results to an expeditious decision making so hat the project completes within scheduled time and budget.
For further information, please visit our Services and Projects pages. We can provide a list of references upon request. Please contact us or call us (818) 636-1594.